Graduate Student Research Associates

Henry Fulghum
Henry Fulghum is a second-year master’s student in IU’s department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences working with Dr. P. David Polly. He is broadly interested in the evolution of early mammals, and more specifically the impact of functional morphology and ecological traits on their evolution. He is currently involved in a project to assess the functional morphological traits of modern mammal dentitions in order to better understand the diversity and evolution of early mammal groups. His favorite fossil is the Jurassic euharamidyan mammal, Maiopatagium.

Anne E. Kort
Anne Kort is currently a PhD candidate studying the functional morphology of mammalian vertebrae. She is originally from Minnesota and got her start in paleontology working with CT data of rodents as an undergraduate at the University of Minnesota. Anne now works with several different 3D scanning methods and technologies, from CT scanning to photogrammetry. Although she appreciates the versality and accessibility of digital models, Anne still loves digging through museum collections to get hands on with fossils and bones. Outside of her PhD, Anne often spends time playing videogames with friends, enjoying local coffee shops, and visiting beautiful outdoor spaces.
Undergraduate Interns + Hourly Student Workers

Kenia Yasmin Caro
Kenia Yasmin Caro is a sophomore studying Earth Science with a minor in GIS and Remote Sensing. Her fascination with the earth’s internal processes began at an early age following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and has continued to develop into a passion for volcanology, geochemistry, and climate change science. She is currently doing research with Elizabeth Kenderes on how precipitation is affecting the Yellowstone and Long Valley calderas in the western United States. She intends to pursue a PhD in Volcanology either in: Mexico, Cascadia, or Iceland, continue her research, and teach the next generation of future earth scientists while working for the government. When she’s not in the collections or serving as the President of the IU Geology Club, you can find Kenia at the La Casa Cultural Center, on a hike, playing chess, or playing her clarinet and guitar. Kenia’s favorite fossil/specimen is Mazon Creek fern and amber fossils.

Sophie Georgiades
Sophia Georgiades is a senior studying Environmental Science at IU. She is especially interested in the integration of physics, chemistry, biology, and geology as a means to explain environmental phenomena. Sophia has been involved in creating IUPC’s dichotomous key for the Mazon Creek/Stanley Cemetery fossils and Identifying mollusc shells from the Stotter Collection amongst other projects. Outside of work, Sophia likes to go birding, sailing, hiking, and tend to her large plant collection. One of her favorite fossil groups is the Nipponites, a genus of Cretaceous heteromorph ammonites.

Mia Keller
Mia Keller is a sophomore studying Earth Science at IU, and loves working with museum specimens to understand our planet’s history over the ages. She is especially interested in learning about how current extreme geological events alter certain areas, and how past Earth processes have impacted ancient life in various locations. Besides identifying fossil specimens, she loves atmospheric science and forecasting, having previously worked as a Broadcast Meteorologist for Indiana University Student Television. In her time outside the collections, she acts as the Treasurer for Sigma Gamma Epsilon, plays tennis, and plays Dungeons and Dragons. Mia’s favorite fossil in the collections is Triarthrus becki, a late Ordovician trilobite.

Avery Matthews
Avery Matthews is a freshman studying Earth and Atmospheric Science at IU. Her childhood love for Dino Dan and Dinosaur Train kicked off her life-long aspiration of becoming a paleontologist. With the goal of being a museum curator, she intends to specialize in marine life, both past and present. In her spare time, she loves to read, draw, rock climb, and play Dungeons and Dragons. Avery especially loves shark tooth fossils, and is the proud owner of a Spiny Dogfish wet specimen named Eggh.

Ava Messer
Ava Messer is currently a sophomore at IU studying Animal Behavior with a minor in Earth and Atmospheric Science. She has been interested in paleontology since she was seven years old, and while she now hopes to work with live cetaceans, paleontology will always be close to her heart. In the collections, her favorite project is using photogrammetry to create digital models of speciments. Raised on rock and roll, Ava has been playing bass guitar since her twelfth birthday. She learns and plays covers for fun in her spare time, and plays in the worship team at her church on Sundays. She loves to read, hang out with her dogs, and play Dungeons & Dragons with her friends. One of her favorite fossils in the collection is a Smilodon tooth.

Lily Schunn
Lily Schunn is a third-year IU student in the Individualized Major Program, crafting a degree for Fossil Preparation involving the mix of disciplines in Anthropology, Geology, Studio Arts, and Biology.
Initially hoping to learn transferable skills for a future in fine arts conservation, she began an internship preparing fossils for a private-public lab with Steve Bodi at Indiana Southern Paleontology Institute. While there, she instead discovered a new passion for the work of cleaning and reconstructing fossilized vertebrates.
Outside of the lab and her studies, Lily enjoys hikes with her Shetland sheepdog Rosie in the Morgan-Monroe State Forest. A greatly admired species of hers is Pachycephalosaurus, although Iguanodons hold a close second place.