6. If permission is granted for further preparation or destructive sampling, the specimens must be well documented (photographed and, in some cases, cast or scanned) before preparation. All preparations, fragments, casts, photographs, and scans made prior to preparation must be returned.
7. All original documents accompanying the specimens must remain with the specimens and should not be defaced. Indicate nomenclatural changes and relevant observations on a "comment card" accompanying the specimens (sign and date the comment card and place it with the specimen).
8. Specimens are the responsibility of the borrower until returned to the Repository. Therefore, loans should be packed carefully and shipped in the same (or better) manner as received. Type specimens must be returned by registered mail (or another method that tracks delivery).
9. The borrower must agree to cover the cost of return shipping and insurance (if deemed necessary).
10. The Indiana University and the Department of Geological Sciences must receive credit in any publications based upon the use of specimens from the collection. The acronym "IU" should be used as a prefix to the catalogue number.
11. The borrower must request new catalogue numbers for use with previously uncatalogued material or for specimens that need to be distinguished from a lot. The curators will assign appropriate catalogue designations.
12. Authors shall send a reprint, which may be in PDF format, of any publications based in whole or in part upon material loaned from the Repository. Normally we expect that copies of casts, digital photographs, scans, or other data directly derived from the specimens be deposited with the Repository for inclusion in our internet database of associated data; exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
13. Failure to follow Repository guidelines may jeopardize future borrowing privileges.